I feel like there are many environmental blogs, and publications that alienate a good number of people by trying to guilt them into doing more, or not even giving alternatives to help make better decisions. It seems to be either you are an environmentalist, or you're not. I think that approach does more harm than good.
Because people have varying levels of interest in the environment, I will be using a system to help people determine which articles they may find more interesting, practical, or accessible. Of course, this is purely subjective, based on my own interpretation. I hope everyone will read most of what I post, but I understand that not everyone will be interested in certain topics, or depth of coverage of a topic.
Without further ado, the levels of green that will be used as tags on articles from now on:
Mint Green - These will be easily accessible articles. They will have easy steps to take at home, or will be a quick read. More often than not, they will be lists.
Pistachio Green - These articles will have a little more substance. More than just a simple list, they will have some back ground information, but not a lot to make it easier to take in the information.
Emerald Green - Again, these will get a little deeper, and may be more technical in regard to the subject matter.
Jade Green - Getting to be deeper reads now. These will be more scientific in nature, and will have references for your own review.
Forest Green - These will be pure science reads.
Posts will probably fall more into the Mint, Emerald, and Forest categories, but for ones that are in between, Pistachio and Jade will be the go-tos.
Which category are you most interested in?
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